5. The Knight's Mansion

Lady doctors and nurses were already waiting for them as they entered the hospital. That section of the hospital was kept reserved for their arrival only. The nurses took Rose to a senior lady gynecologist's chamber. Out of the door resided her bodyguards while Rose did not know where Kevin was.

They ran some tests on Rose. It took more than an hour to finish all these examinations. They were very careful while doing all these and they were working as if they recited every moment of what they were instructed to perform.

Rose felt much more than just nervous. Does Kevin not know that she lost the baby! But this is not practically possible. If not before then he must have known about it after he encountered her in Italy.

Then why these tests! What is he trying to do with her!

Soon after the doctor released Rose, she personally came with her to the room where Kevin was present. Kevin stood up from his chair as the doctor approached him.

"Everything is done according to your directions sir. And I am happy to inform you that it's all fine. Nothing to worry about Sir." The doctor said passing a gentle smile to Kevin.

"Thank you, doctor!" That's all he said before stepping out of the waiting room leaving a bemused Rose behind.

"Ma'am please," The bodyguards asked Rose to follow them to the car again. She confusedly did what she was told to. Even after all these Kevin did not speak to her for once. Does she not even deserve to know what was the purpose of doing all those! She thought of asking... rearranged the words in her mind but when she looked at him, her words got messed up.. so she swallowed them down. Kevin's recent demeanour did not allow her to speak out.

Rose moved her eyes, focused on the road. Like a helpless kid, she was forced to move in somewhere she did not want to go.

Rose's heart skipped a beat when the big mansion, The Knight's Mansion appeared in her vision. The building was standing in its own virtue and proudly welcoming her defeat. The gatekeepers signalled the gate's opening and the black cars entered in a line. Finally, Rose's car stopped in front of the main entrance of the mansion, the residential part of the Knights.

If vanishing into thin air was possible for Rose, she would have been the luckiest at this point. This elegant empyreal mansion is just a prison in her eyes.

The guards hurriedly opened the car's door for her and Kevin as if they were ordered to save each second. When Rose got out of the car, she found Kevin standing by her side already. Her steps were following his steps to the door.

"Welcome back to home, wifey" Kevin said tilting his head to her side as soon as the guards pushed the door for them.

As the door opened, Rose could see every member of the mansion including the servants were present inside the hall doing nothing but waiting for their arrival. The first among them, the one she saw was her Aaron.. her little Aaron who had stopped playing around the centre table as he noticed Rose at the entrance.

He stepped back in reaction and ran for the stairs with two maids chasing the little lad behind. Rose assumed he was really angry with her uninformed disappearance.

"How could you Rose?" A known sharp voice attacked Rose's attention towards the little one. Her eyes fell upon the source of the voice and she could not just believe what she saw.

"Em.. Emilia!" She called out as she saw her sister walking toward her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She could not help but exclaim not caring about her surroundings. She trusted Kevin as a man of words. He had given her his word that he will never try to harm her sister and her best friend then what is she doing here! Why is she here in the first place! Did Kevin lock her sister in here because she escaped! So many questions stormed inside her head. He can do whatever he wants with her but harming her sister in revenge was not in between their deal.

"Wait.. You are asking me this? After you left me with a letter and a few bundles of cash. Seriously! You did not even inform me where you were going, Rose. Am I that insignificant in your life now?" Emilia shouted over her sister.

She was angry. More than angry with her elder sister for ghosting her like this. And when she got to know that Rose ran to their criminal father, she lost it all.

"Look what you have done. You have killed your own baby because of your irresponsibility!" She added fuming with annoyance towards her sister.

With her own sister accusing her the moment Rose met her after days, Rose did not know what to answer. Only drops of tears glided down her cheeks. Emilia was about to speak further when Maria requested Rose to walk up to her room interrupting her accusations.

Rose could not forget Emilia's behaviour towards her. Not for what she said.. it was normal for her sister to behave that way after leaving her behind but the way she thinks that Rose killed her own baby made her downhearted. Is that what Kevin announced to all of them! Maybe it's partially true. Her underlying anxiety pocked her senses badly. It was like sprinkling salt on her open untreated wounds.

She remained like that until Maria knocked on the door. She informed Rose that Kevin has ordered her presence in the main hall within half an hour. He had sent a dress, some jewellery and maids to help her get ready quickly.

Rose took a warm bath and did as she was instructed against her will. When she reached the hall she could see the hall decorated with fresh flowers and a lavish cake was arranged in the middle.

All of the family members except Aaron were present there. Emilia assisted Rose to the centre and made her stand beside Kevin. Kevin, Daniel, Kate, Emilia around Rose and some known faces of the servants in the nearby distance could be seen. Emilia handed Rose the knife indicating her to cut the cake and moved away.

"Happy Birthday and welcome back Rose/madam" they sang along as she cut the cake expressionlessly. Rose was confused about whom to feed the first bite with Kevin standing right beside her.

But to her rescue, Kate jumped in snatching the piece of cake from her hand all of a sudden and shoving it in her own mouth awkwardly. She then started clapping like a child as if she had done something prize-winning. A middle-aged maid rushed toward Kate and took her away from the hall. Her behaviour seemed odd to Rose. Also, her appearance... She was wearing some simple maxi dress with her hair neatly tied in a ponytail.. it was way out of Kate Knight's style.

Soon after Maria requested Rose to reach inside her bedroom. Everyone around Rose was behaving strangely. She was being told where to go, what to do every other second like a little child. Kate's behaviour was strange, Eric was not lingering around her like usual, Daniel was expressionless, Emilia and Aaron were outraged with her and Kevin being horribly calm was not even looking at her properly not that she wanted him to but altogether it was unusual.

Maria was about to close the bedroom's door behind after accompanying Rose inside when Rose stopped her from doing so by calling out her name.

"Maria, Is anything wrong with Kate? She was looking very odd to me!" Rose calmly asked her.

Maria checked both sides of the aisle before closing the bedroom door and turning over to Rose.

"Madam Kate is under heavy observation now cause she is not in a good mental condition." Maria informed.

"Why? What happened? Where is her fiance? Where's Eric?" Rose questioned with a bothering feeling. She knew she could not avenge that cunning Eric in the past and now she surely did not wish to face him anymore.

"Madam Kate lost her mental stability after... after master Kevin shot Eric dead," Maria spoke delivering Rose a bolt from the blue.

"What!!" Rose blurted out loudly.


Thank you so much for reading ♡

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(Ref/: Maria - one of the oldest maids in Knight's Mansion who was very friendly and like a sister to Rose from the beginning.)

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