"What!!" Rose blurted out loudly. It was absurd for Rose to trust her ears. Eric, the guy used to get treated with royalty around this mansion. It was kind of annoying for Rose to tolerate him around Kate after knowing his real face but never did she wish for his death.
"Yes madam. Master Kevin found out Eric cheating on Madam Kate and taking away her properties by manipulating her. Not only these Eric also tried to kill our little Aaron and make it seem like an accident." With an upsetting tone, Maria informed.
"When .. when did all these happen?" Hesitantly Rose queried. She remembered that night she escaped when she mentioned about Eric, Kevin told her that he took care of this matter in his way. But she could never imagine that Eric will be executed. Knowledge of how sentimentally dependant Kate was on her fiancee made sense for her recent condition.
After Kate lost her first love, the father of her unborn baby Eric tactically filled up that void in her life. Even though that cunning bastard had negative intentions, he managed to become the apple of her eye. Eric's death has caused a severe mental haemorrhage to her. Rose genuinely wanted her to get rid of that hypocrite but not like the way that Kate has to endure such pain again.
Maria knew things.. most of the things that happened in this mansion during Rose's absence. But she was aldo ordered to make some special arrangements for the night. So, being short on time, Maria decided to cut the long story short and was about to say something related just when the door was knocked and Emilia entered without bothering her sister to answer.
After Maria left, Emilia got near her sister with small steps. She was looking innocently guilty with her expression. Rose knew her sister, she makes this face every time she is sorry.
"I'm sorry Rose for what I said earlier. I am just so angry with you for leaving me like that and also being so careless with yourself. What if Kevin could not bring you back? How could I have found you then!" Emilia sadly expressed standing in front of her, looking down.
"Please do not abandon me like that Rose. Never!" Emilia hugged her sister tightly and sounded like a grumpy baby who will cry anytime.
"Sorry. I am sorry Emi. I really am" Rose patted the back of her head comforting her gently. Hugging her sister felt so warm and homely. Rose's conscience struck, Emilia really had no one in this world except her elder sister, how did Rose become so selfish to forget her responsibilities towards her younger one? But she is also a human who has basic needs.. she thought Emilia has become an adult now... She would figure out something for herself until Rose could again contact her after being safe and free.
That dream remained an unrealistic dream only. After a fake feeling of freedom for four months taken back to this mansion is way more traumatic than before. Rose decided she will let Emilia know everything about Kevin and her relationship... she will tell her all of that when when the right time comes.
They were served dinner in the bedroom as Emilia kept telling Rose all about her graduation day... the prestigious college she took admission to and her recent discoveries about that place. Rose learnt Kevin got her sister admitted to her dream college and let her stay in this mansion in her absence. He had played the role of her guardian which Rose failed to perform in the meantime.
Seeing her naive sister so pleased and awestruck by the awesomeness of her devil husband made her a little disturbed. Rose was glad that Kevin did the opposite to what she thought at first after seeing Emilia in the mansion. But she definitely did not want Emilia to take any kind of favour from the Knights.
Rose wanted to keep Emilia with her in this bedroom for the rest of the night but her sister having tons of unfinished assignments left after having dinner.
Rose strolled across the room for a while. She noticed the room was exactly how she left it. Every single stuff which belonged to her has not been moved. The way Kevin was keeping himself away from her during the journey made her think if he would share the bed with her tonight. Somehow she sensed he would otherwise he would have made her stay in some other room, definitely not in his bedroom.
The night was about to get uneasy for Rose. The nights she spent crying behind the closed doors, realising her dreams getting broken and feeling completely powerless like her life was not her anymore and it was becoming his day by day were flashing in front of her eyes. She doubted if she had the strength to face his wrath anymore.
She laid on the bed and tried to fall asleep to ignore these frightening thoughts. But her anxiety kept her awake until the bedroom's door was opened by the person who intimidated her the most, her husband.
Kevin was shirtless, wearing his trousers and his hair was messy as he entered the bedroom casually like he used to do in the past.
It satisfied him mentally seeing his wife inside his bedroom, also reminded him of the days and nights when he returned and she was not there for him.
He had been furious, restless and exceptionally tempestuous. The days without her were nothing but torturously cold and worthless for him. Finally, after four fucking months he will now have her under him dressed just as he likes, tied just as he wants and her terrified expressions just as he enjoys.
Her soft pale skin was inviting him to mark it. How much he liked her body decorated with his marks! But does she still have her sweet spots in the exact same places? He needs to find out tonight and he will not let her go until he is done quenching his eternal thirst for her. With these emerging thoughts, he slowly started moving nearer the giant bed, near his wife!
Rose was palpitating and cursing her vulnerability mentally. She knew him.. she knew his ways in the bed. Her heartbeat raised rapidly higher with every step of her husband towards the bed. Evidently, this giant bedroom is not as big as it appears to be. She felt like an attractive piece of meat on which he was going to feast on tonight ... unluckily the night of her 23rd birthday. No matter how calm he appeared, she could clearly anticipate that he will never let the facts slide that she escaped the mansion and also miscarried his baby. And What worse can happen to a girl on her birthday than being outraged by her husband in bed.
He found his solace and she.. her distress when the distance between them finally settled. Kevin was standing by the edge of the bed when he started observing her like he had never seen her before. His dark, deep and dangerous gaze made Rose incapable of moving from that spot of the bed. These four months have changed so many things between them. Even though his attitude has changed his eyes were radiating the same kind of coldness.
Rose looked at him confused.. tried but could not decipher what was he thinking. She thought he would lash out at her any moment but that moment did not come. Neither did he speak any good word to its opposite. After a brief span of observing his fearfully confused wife, he put his hand inside his trousers pocket.
Rose's breath hitched in her throat as she saw the rosy diamond ring shining in his hand. It was burning her eyes as well as memories as she distinctly remembered that she threw the wedding ring out of the hospital's window before Agatha took her home. Rose's big and nervous eyes crept a small smirk through his lips.
And no matter how much he mastered keeping his composure over his anger, he is ferociously determined tonight to return all the things back to her that she has lost due to her irresponsibility and disobedience and take what belongs to him.. only him.
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